Saturday, June 26, 2010


Kathy a small shop called Wine & Web (a great combo don't you think?) One word for now WOW. Spent the day getting to Montelpulciano from Rome including train and car rental (getting a car that thankfully fits Rory). Worth the trip for sure. We took the African style journey stopping along the way for various espresso, panini and pasta stops. But here we are in the very old amazingly high hilltop town. Our lovely American friends friends Michael and Annette steered us here after having spent 6 years coming back to the same apartment within the old town walls. Knowing them and sharing meals with them for almost 20 years, we know they have good taste and so we knew we were in for a treat BUT this is something you have to see to even believe.
I will have to sign off here for now but more to come.....

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more whole heartedly! "this is something you have to see to even believe."

    Saturday afternoon is pretty quiet when we're there in April and Sunday is very quiet. In the midst of the travel season, I wonder if you'll see crowds of travelers or whether it'll be quiet for you, too.

    Things will pick up on Monday. Shops (other than the souvenir shops) will open and townspeople will be out.

    Sounds like fun. Let us know what you see that strikes you.

