Saturday, July 17, 2010


Kathy here-
So I lied. We didn't actually leave Tuscany when we left the villa Saturday morning. On the way to dropping the rental car off in Chuisi, we made a quick return visit to our favorite spot, Montepulciano, where Rory and I picked up two new rings we had commissioned from a lovely jeweler there on the Corso. Alessandro makes these very cool rings out of silver with Etruscan symbols on them. Etruscan history is important and  prominent in Tuscany of course,  and was a subject I studied and loved in high school. We chose one that resembles a circular pattern we know from Ghana. The Etruscan symbol is called "Patera" which is an offering plate symbolizing libation and sacrifice. Seemed like an appropriate symbol for us, this being our twentieth year together. ha ha. Libation and sacrifice, no kidding.  The richest paradox.  :) They are beautiful and we celebrated with our last three cappuccinos in Montepulciano, then headed for the car return, and train to Rome.

The other lie, was that the favorite gelato place I talked about with locations in Siena and Florence,  has now been replaced by a STUPENDOUS shop called San Crispino near the Trevi Fountain here in Rome. Insanely amazing gelato with the most interesting flavors. We were stuffed with an awesome meal I hope Rory will blog about, but all three of us indulged once we saw the offerings at this gelateria. Like our other favorite, all the ingredients were fresh and organic. The guy behind the counter was even tossing/flipping the cups before filling. He was so fast and fancy, he was like an award winning bartender or barista.  So, I know you are wondering just what flavours did we have? Iris had hazelnut and limone; Rory had licorice root and fig, and I had ginger-cinnamon and honey. Unbelievably gorgeous flavors. We may have to go back tomorrow, even though the Trevi Fountain is like Niagara Falls, there are so many tourists and tourist shops (lovely fountain though).
OK that was my confessional. Ciao.

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