Saturday, July 17, 2010

Goodbye to Tuscany

Kathy here- what  a dinner!!  We celebrated our last night here at the villa with a spectacular dinner. Prepared by Kathleen and Iris and Rory. The girls worked studiously for HOURS chopping tomatoes, mushrooms, lettuce, shopping for a beef bone (eventually given for free from the butcher in Radda), writing menus, picking local herbs, organizing the shifts, and generally just getting the perfect vibe together for a fabulous Tuscan meal. They have watched the locals carefully and practiced with two different and yummy breakfasts, so they are well versed in the challenges and tasks. Plus, they had the-oh-so-professional aprons given to us at the cooking class on Tuesday in nearby Lecchi. After a cool swim, we dressed for dinner and opened a couple of local bottles of wine, one 2004 Reserva from the lovely Gattavecchi woman a couple of weeks ago in Montepulciano,  and then a couple of current award winning Chiantis from "the next hill over", 2000 and 2003. We then proceeded to the menu:
Mushroom salad
Mixed salad
Tomato salad (sold out)
Potato salad
Risotto with chicken ( stewed in the aforementioned beef knuckle)
Mixed dessert platter (fresh local apricots and chocolate wafers )

Awesome. We cannot believe we are at the end of our week here. It has flown by. For the O'Nyons, they are headed to Venice, and then to the coast for more Italian adventures, while we are headed back to Rome, before flying back to Canada on Monday.  

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